Backed by facts, customer service and results improve

Scala Eiendom has implemented Excite in all its shopping centers - "As a landlord, we want to help motivate store employees and support good service and customer care. We are in the same boat as our tenants. It is in our interest that the stores are run as optimally as possible. This is in our fundamentals," says CEO Hans Jørgen Mørland. Hans Jørgen Mørland of Scala Eiendom, which manages 22 shopping centers in Norway.

Hans Jørgen Mørland is CEO of Scala Eiendom AS. Photo: to send their store employees on a Scala Eiendom course and give them an inspiring speech once in a while. Scala has also previously had its own school and participated in courses organized by others in the field of service and customer care.

- "But we've found that the best thing is to be as targeted and direct in our feedback as possible. With the Excite tool, we get real, specific and pointed customer feedback and can use it for actions. Both we and the tenant benefit from this," says Mørland. "It's all about collecting data and using data. "The stores benefit greatly from the customer feedback, the center managers appreciate the tool, and Scala Eiendom as a property owner can benchmark, follow up and select winners," says Mørland.

Scala can discuss the data directly with the individual store manager. What changes can be made? Chains can also benchmark their stores against each other. What can they learn from each other in the way they work?

- We have an even better dialog with our tenants and we achieve better results.

Competition is tough in all directions. Against other stores and chains, and between shopping centers. Customer service is therefore crucial. Say hello, see the customer. This is the essence of retail. It's almost a dereliction of duty not to do this," says Mørland enthusiastically.

- Have you been using the tool long enough to see clear effects?

- "We've come a long way, but there's potential for more. We are already seeing results on two levels. We see improvement in each individual store. What changes they made and what the results were. And on a broader level, we believe that tenant dialogue improves when we have the facts," replies the Scala Eiendom manager.

Mørland points out that data also eliminates the need for opinion. For example, one store may say that the neighboring store is not run optimally and that the atmosphere there is bad.

- It becomes too subjective. If you have specific customer feedback, this can be compared with comparable stores. Dialogue with regional directors and store managers is better when there are facts to back it up," concludes Hans Jørgen Mørland.

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